Emil Nolde - Segelschiff am Abend, 1946


Segelschiff am Abend, 1946.

Object description
Sailing ship in the evening . 1946.
Signed lower right. On Japan. 22.6 x 25.6 cm (8.8 x 10 in), the full sheet.
• Colorful watercolor of haunting density and atmospheric effect.
• Contrast-rich play of colors both in the comparison of color values ​​and in the application of color.
• The sea as the preferred theme for Nolde

With a photo expertise from Prof. Dr. Manfred Reuther, Klockries, dated May 8, 2021. The work is registered in his archive under the number "Nolde A - 210/2021".

PROVENANCE: Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia.

Emil Nolde's late watercolors are inspired by the artist's great maturity. The density of the composition, in which sea and sky seem to merge pictorially somewhere in what seems immeasurable distance, finds its well-placed accentuation in the stately two-masted sailing ship high on the wind, caressed by the blue water as a contrast to the red-hot reflection of the set sun on the violent Swell of the waves. Here, too, Nolde remains true to his once found watercolor technique, which is entirely determined by the specific use of colors. Nolde's technique of wet-on-wet watercolor increases, as it were, the freshness of the colors, increases a certain forlornness in relation to what is happening and increases it to a special mood. Not only this seascape is permeated with the will To bring the immanent metaphysics of nature to life, to let oneself and the observer take part in this natural magic. Nolde's expressively exaggerated view of this seascape is therefore characterized by a strong love for nature, an urgent feeling for the mysterious infinity of these two elements, water and sky. The sea as the primordial mother of all life, threatening and tempting at the same time, is one of the great themes of Nolde. The artist can always find new facets for pictures like this watercolor. With this sensual blaze of color, Nolde explains the unique beauty of nature. [MvL] Nolde's expressively exaggerated view of this seascape is therefore characterized by a strong love for nature, an urgent feeling for the mysterious infinity of these two elements, water and sky. The sea as the primordial mother of all life, threatening and tempting at the same time, is one of the great themes of Nolde. The artist can always find new facets for pictures like this watercolor. With this sensual blaze of color, Nolde explains the unique beauty of nature. [MvL] Nolde's expressively exaggerated view of this seascape is therefore characterized by a strong love for nature, an urgent feeling for the mysterious infinity of these two elements, water and sky. The sea as the primordial mother of all life, threatening and tempting at the same time, is one of the great themes of Nolde. The artist can always find new facets for pictures like this watercolor. With this sensual blaze of color, Nolde explains the unique beauty of nature. [MvL] With this sensual blaze of color, Nolde explains the unique beauty of nature. [MvL] With this sensual blaze of color, Nolde explains the unique beauty of nature. [MvL]


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